Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Goose is Getting Fat...

Oh Christmas. It's going to be a new adventure for the Hub and I. No young 'uns at home to make us decorate... or even better, to decorate for us. DS1 used to do it for us in the old days. Maybe he'll do it for us this year now that he's moved back to the hometown.

With the girl child off preaching the gospel in "foreign" lands (California... it's like foreign, but with domestic shipping rates) I know how important the holiday season will be for her to feel support from home. She starts with her birthday, then skips right into Thanksgiving (she was born on Thanksgiving Day) then jumps on to Christmas. I'mjust getting started with holiday sewing. Here is my first free motion quilting project ever:
See the tutorial from Missouri Quilt Co HERE. I love YouTube... love it it...LOVE IT!!
If you are a coward like me and don't feel confident free-handing a stocking, THIS is the template I used. It's a downloadable PDF and part of a nice text tutorial at  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aiming for Accuracy - Week Number Last!

Hooray for done!

After four months of weekly tutorials, the top - or "flimsy" as some (including me, because I think it is the perfect descriptor, and because it's my blog I can do what I want) call it- for the Aiming for Accuracy quilt is DONE! Of course, that's the easy part. I still need to make a back for it and decide how I'm going to quilt it. You can find the tutorials for this quilt at Quilters Gallery. I enjoyed it a lot and I feel like I learned a lot. Michelle Foster, designer and teacher, is pretty dang great at the whole quilting/tutorializing (that's a real word cuz I just used it)/and blogging about quilting and tutorializing (now it's been used twice...must be a real word) thing.

(Promise me you won't let my English teaching friends read that last sentence. It'll be our secret.)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

FWQ - October 2013

Yay! Another month's blocks are done. Just that much closer on my Farmer's Wife Quilt. These were assigned for October. Wanna look at the originals?  Here they are at American Quilting.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Alpha Blocks

Finally! I have all the blocks done which represent the letters of the alphabet. Next step is sewing them into 12 large alphabetical order, of course.
How many block names do you know? What if I give you a hint?
Album, Bachelor's Puzzle, Chimneys and Cornerstones, Duck and Ducklings, Evening Star, Friendship, Grandma's Choice, Hayes Corner, Illinois, Johnie Around the Corner, Kansas Star, Log patch, Morning Star, Night and Noon, Octagons, Pineapple, Quartered Star, Rambler, Shoofly, Turnstile, Union Square, Virginia Reel, Whirling Whirlwind, X Block, Yankee Puzzle, Zigzag

Click here to see the photo of the very cool, completed original at American Quilters.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hub's Day

Happy Birthday Bryan.

There is no other hub I'd rather have in the center of my little universe.
You spin my world.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Progess you can sink your teeth into - A4A week 13

The Aiming for Accuracy quilt designed by Michelle Foster from Mishka's Playground is built in three sections. Now, at week 13, section A is DONE! It is pretty exciting stuff. Here is my section A.
The quilt design is much like a puzzle in the way it comes together. Section A is less than a quarter of the quilt. Section B is a bit larger and Section C is more than half. Then the three sections are surrounded by a border. It should come together quite quickly in the next few weeks. Stay tuned...

Click here to see other Section A submissions from the quilt-along.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Farmer's Wife - September 2013

Once upon a time there were three tomatoes. There was great big Daddy Tomato, beautiful plump Mommy Tomato and little tiny Baby Tomato. One day after dinner Daddy Tomato suggested they all go for a walk in the woods. So they did. Great big Daddy Tomato took great big strides. It was hard for little tiny Baby Tomato to keep up.  Beautiful, plump Mommy tomato stayed behind with little tiny Baby Tomato who stopped to examine every new thing in the path. Daddy Tomato encouraged plump beautiful Mommy Tomato and little tiny Baby Tomato to walk faster but there were just too many things for Baby Tomato to look at. Finally, great big Daddy Tomato lost patience with the slow-pokes. He walked back to where Mommy and Baby tomato were looking at ants. Suddenly great big Daddy Tomato squashed beautiful plump Mommy Tomato and little tiny Baby Tomato and shouted "Ketchup!"

OK so the story is silly and probably promotes domestic violence but I wanted a segue into today's quilting photo.
These are the Farmer's Wife quilt blocks that were assigned for...SEPTEMBER!! (See the originals here.) Now I can look back and say: Remember that time I completed all the quilt blocks that were assigned in the same month they were due? That is not to say I have "ketch-uped". I'm just happy to announce that I'm less behind this month than I was last month. And, since you asked, yes I am getting a lot better at those points and angles.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Aiming for Accuracy Progress - Week 10

This is starting to look like it might someday become an actual quilt. I admit I've had my doubts about my fabric choice. Especially when I see the fabulous, coordinated blocks others are making. I'm still a little nervous that mine may turn out having too many colors, not enough balance.. The original that Mishka is making looks like stained glass or watercolors. It is so cool. As soon as I chose orange rather than black for my contrast fabric I lost the opportunity for stained glass. Turns out I actually like orange so that's ok.

I'm really pleased at how much better my seams and points are since I started. I'm learning a lot, often by making mistakes. I just have to remember:
"If you are not making mistakes you are not making progress."

 I hope we get to see all the finished projects at the end. Most of them are going to be Fabu-lisious!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Farmers Wife - August 2013

These are the blocks assigned for the Farmer's Wife August Block of the Month Quilt. OK so these are MOST of the blocks. I'm short by three. I set aside the one's with odd angles until I'm more comfortable with them. I'm getting better at angles. I can nail a right triangle on the first try most of the time. I'm just going to let the blocks with odd angles sit for a while. I know eventually it will "click" in my brain and I'll wonder what the problem was in the first place. At least I hope that is what happens...and soon. I just picked up the kit for September. It made me want to cry a little. 

Here is the link to the originals over at American Quilting.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Farmers Wife - May 2013

This is my second set of Farmer's Wife blocks complete. Block numbers 36 - 46 assigned for completion in May. I'm not sure I'm getting better at paper piecing. The more blocks I finish the more I think, "Ima hafta redo this one...and this one".  If you want to see what they are supposed to look like follow this link to American Quilters.

Can you see where I sewed a wrong piece into one of the blocks? I didn't see it until I hung the block on the wall. My hope is the quilt fairy will fix it so it is not noticeable when it is set into a quilt with 100 of it's sisters. With 64 one-inch pieces in the block I wasn't about to pull it apart...again.

(Update 29 Aug 2013) Someone at the quilt store today said: "If you can't see a mistake from the back of a galloping horse, it don't matter." I laughed along with the rest of the group and felt better about my error.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Aiming for Accuracy Weeks 5 and 6

Here are my recent additions to the Aiming for Accuracy Quilt along. 127 photos were posted in the quilt along gallery last week. There were participants from 8 countries, 32 states and 4 Canadian provinces. It makes me feel part of something international.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Farmers Wife - February 2013

Congratulations to me! I have completed the 11 Farmer's Wife quilt blocks which were assigned for February. I haven't been doing them in order as presented in the book even though that is how they are kitted for the block of the month club. If one strikes my fancy I'll do it (and conversely if it looks too hard I'll skip it.) But I confess I did the last two of these just so I could say I'd finished at least one full month's assignment.

The silver lining about starting six months behind the rest of the group is that I have six months worth of fabric swatches to mix and match with rather than just one month at a time. Most of the time I've liked the colors they have chosen but sometimes I've switched it up just for fun. You can see the originals here. Tell me what you think. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Flannel boards and other mysteries

Crafting with the cgf's ( my crafty girlie friends) last night I took stuff to make quilt design boards. Of course the cgf's don't quilt so they were  polite but uninterested. When JuJu's daughter asked what I was making I told her they were quilt block design boards. She didn't know what that was so I explained they are flannel boards for assembling quilt blocks. She did not know what a flannel board was. Really?!? I guess we now use  magnets when we are storytelling to children. In all fairness, I don't think she knew what a quilt block was either.

But I digress. Here is a tutorial for the design boards. I f you are making a quilt with a billion little pieces, such as the Farmer's Wife quilt, you'll wish you had six of these awesome little beauties. They are easy and nearly free to make.

Sad Note: Unfortunately, once again I am unable to supply a photo. The Hub is fishing in Alaska this week. He took the camera. Not only did he take it fishing, but he also took it for an unplanned swim in the Kenai on the first day there. My birthday is on Sunday, maybe I'll get a new camera.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Aiming for Accuracy Sections 1-4

About the time I was finishing the Beginner's Quilt along (which Mishka had actually posted last year). She started a second Qal called Aiming for Accuracy. These are the blocks for that Qal which is in progress currently. She posts a section of the quilt along with instructions and fabulous tutorials each week on Thursday-ish. These are the first/largest sections. The Aiming for Accuracy Quilt along will be going until October 2013. Come join in.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Beginner's Quilt along

When I discovered the Farmer's Wife quilt it haunted me as a project I really wanted to do. I also knew I didn't have the skill for such a large and demanding piece. So I surfed around the net and found a Beginner's Quilt Along at Quilting Gallery (which not only has a fun blog but also a terrific learning center). It was exactly what I needed to learn the jargon and get to know my new machine. I highly recommend this Quilt along for anyone new to the game. Mishka's tutorials and instruction are fabulous.I made this quilt top under her guidance. It's nothing fancy, but pretty alright for a first timer.

And, YES, there is a basketball hoop in my craft room AND my design wall is crammed into a corner AND it's too small for an entire quilt. Ya do whacha gotta do.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Farmer's Wife Quilt

This Farmer's Wife quilt kit is also from American Quilting. The quilt has a fun history which I suggest you read about here. The Farmer's Wife is the quilt that made me want to make a quilt. I kept seeing quilts and blocks on Pinterest labeled Farmer's Wife. I researched it and loved the concept and decided that would be the mother of all quilts for me at this level of experience. It has 111 unique blocks, each 6 inches when finished and makes a queen size quilt in the end.

It was that research that led me to discover that American Quilting was doing a block of the month Farmer's Wife in modern colors. I was in love! Unfortunately, the BOM had started in January 2013 and runs until November. It was now July and the monthly kits have 12 blocks each. But again I begged, and again the nice ladies at AQ scrounged around and  found me the six back kits and let me join. I have finished 12 blocks  in the week since then. Today is the pick-up date for kit  #7. I'm only about 60 blocks behind. No pressure.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Quilting Progress: ABC - Quilt With Me

I'm making good progress on some of my long term quilt projects. I'll share them over the next few days.

This one is a Block of the Month kit I got at American Quilting. The quilt is called ABC - Quilt With Me. It was last year's BoM so the quilt along ended in June 2013. Having only started this mad obsession a few weeks earlier, I had to beg to buy the kit. Follow the link to check out the finished product on the American Quilting blog.
I knew I had to make this quilt the first time I laid eyes on it. It is the perfect gift for my mother. She has been a quilter all her life and also taught 1st grade for 35 years.The quilt is lap size but small enough that she can hang it as a wall quilt. I love it! I've had a couple of peeps say they don't like the alphabet letters on it. But I explain that quilt block patterns have names. Each block's name begins with the letter of the alpha next to it. For example the A is beside the block titled  Album Block, B is next to the block called Bachelors puzzle, C block is called Chimneys and Cornerstones, D is Duck and Ducklings etc. (And if you didn't go look at the original you have no idea what I'm saying.)  :-P

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. - Mark Twain

I haven't left the building, checked out or died. I had hoped to go back and play catch up blogger but the longer it goes the less likely that is to happen. So Ima just start fresh.

I've taken up a new hobby...can you guess what it is?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let's see now...where were we?

OH right! We were blogging.

The girl child has been gone six weeks. She will be leaving the Missionary Training Center tomorrow. I hardly feel like she has been gone. I still find her stuff around the house. I pulled a pair of her shoes out from under the couch this morning. The Hub sees her every week day since he works at the MTC, so I get almost daily reports. I've also tried to write her twice a week. Trust me... my life has NEVER been interesting enough to write two letters a week to the same person.

That's not to say things haven't been happening. For example, Mr and Mrs DS2 have moved in to their very own house. DS1 has changed jobs and moved in to the house vacated by the DS2s. But really, how much can you write about other folks lives?

I did, however, finish the recipe book I promised her for Christmas. And I made a missionary apron for her. I tried to convince her to take the one DS2 took on his mission but she didn't like that it said Elder Boothe. Hers has Hna. Boothe on it; aside from that it's pretty much the same. I had hoped to paint it in a grape motif (since she is serving in "the Lord's Vineyard")  but when I finally got to it I didn't have the right color paint. So I went with handwriting instead. Best laid plans, and all that.

The "scriptures" written on it are food/cooking related:
To love his neighbor as himself is better than all...Burnt Offerings.  Mark 12:33
Lovest thou me? Feed my sheep. John 21:16
Feast upon the words of Christ. 2 Nephi 32:3
Fasting = rejoicing and prayer.  DC 59:13
Food... for taste and for smell, and to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul. DC 59:19
Wheat for Man D&C 89:17 Chocolate for Woman M&M 24:7
He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15
If thine enemy hunger, Feed him. Romans 12:20

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Where did that six weeks go?!? I finished the wedding book and didn't even bother to get the photos because I felt so time crunched. As for memorize Monday? Well THAT fell beside the wayside even more than reading the Book of Mormon in 60 days. The sixty days has flown past leaving a whooshing sound hissing in my ears and, no, I didn't finish but I will before the month is out. Yes, I will.

So now the girl child is off to serve the Lord.  Right about now she is in her new room at the Missionary Training Center getting ready to spend that first night in a room full of girls. Because she is an only girl that bit will be an adventure all by itself.  She'll spend 6 weeks learning Spanish in the MTC and then she's off to Fresno California to preach the gospel in the "Lord's vineyard". It will be the greatest time of her life. I'm a little jealous.

Why isn't there a photo? I let Girl Child take my camera.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Memorize Monday - Temple Week - T-6 weeks

I'm giving the Girl Child a week off. Partly because she isn't really playing along; it's just me encouraging her by hanging stuff on the wall in the hall. (I really should write Dr. Seuss books.) And partly because she has a TON of reading to do this week so her time is better spent elsewhere. She'll be going to the temple for the first time this week. Pretty exciting stuff.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Memorize Monday - T-7.1

Current Passage: James 1:5
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

Y si alguno de vosotros tiene falta de sabiduría, pídala a Dios, quien da a todos abundantemente y sin reproche, y le será dada. Pero pida con fe, no dudando nada, porque el que duda es semejante a la ola del mar, que es movida por el viento y echada de una parte a otra.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WMD - It's STILL pink...

But I'm making progress.

The first pic has photos with one or the other of them making a face. When I found the quote by Emily Bronte I knew it was a match made in heaven.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Memorize Monday - T-8.1

 This week we are learning Spanish prayer words.

Luke 11:1-13 is a great passage about prayer; how to pray and what to pray for. It includes the Lord's Prayer as well as a comforting invitation to pray:

Luke 11:9 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Lucas 11:9 Pedid, y se os dará; buscad, y hallaréis; llamad, y se os abrirá,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

WMD - It's Pink.

Remember in Beauty and the Beast when Belle and the Beast are about to have their first civil dinner together? Belle comes in the room all decked out and Lumiere whispers to Beast, "Say something about the dress." Beast replies in his gruff way: "It's Pink!" That's how I felt when I returned to my desk tonight.

I almost never craft in pink. But it is the perfect color for Mrs. DS3. She certainly is a lovely, feminine girl.

Wedding Album Progress

The DS3's have been married for three weeks and I'm just barely getting some pages done. At this rate my posts will be wedding album pages for a while. The goal is two layouts a week...piece o' cake.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Memorize Monday T-9.1

Current Passage: Moroni 10:3-5
 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
  And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having  faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
  And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Memorize Monday T-10.2

Wow! that week went by fast! OK so the last MM post sat unpublished for a couple of days so I'm playing a little catch-up. I know it makes all you rabid readers crazy when I slack off. (Insert rolling eyes here.)

Current Passage: I saw a pillar of light directly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.... When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other -  This is my Beloved Son, Hear him!  Joseph Smith - History 1:16-17

Friday, February 1, 2013

Read the Book of Mormon in 60 Days

Welcome to February...already.

Turns out the Girl Child has approximately 60 Days before she enters the MTC. Her mission president, Larry Gelwix, has asked her to read the Book of Mormon in its entirety before entering the mission field. She has read it through before but has accepted the challenge to read it again before April. I'll be joining her in this assignment. Because I'm really only 12 years old in spirit, I enjoy a visual record of my progress and a place to put a sticker when I've reached the goal. If you would care to join us in this 60 Day challenge you can print off your chart here. You don't have to start from the beginning. (OK some of you do and get jittery just by hearing me say that...I love you JuJu!) Go ahead and pick up where you last read. I've been reading in Helaman so that's where I'll start. If you haven't read in a while, or have never read the Book of Mormon before, 3rd Nephi  chapter 11 is a great place to begin. It's kind of picking up the "story" in the last chapter but you can go back and catch up the history.

Read it. Love it. Believe it.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

WMD - Memorize Monday T-10.1

Blog surfing. It comes naturally to someone as "open-minded " (ie: scatterbrained) as I am. It starts innocently enough, usually on Pinterest. You find a recipe, or craft idea, or card or scrapbook page you want to pin. But of course you have to make sure the link actually works (many don't). Then you have to check out the whole site because... uh... because that's the way I roll. Eventually you find a link to some other blog, and Click! another hour gone. Eventually, inevitably, I find something I think I need to incorporate in my life NOW. That is how I found Memorize Monday.

The Girl Child is leaving on her mission in ten weeks and she feels like she doesn't really know how to teach in English, much less in Spanish. So we are going to start Memorize Monday.  Each Monday we will select a much loved scripture or quote  to memorize. We are calling it Memorize Monday but we are hoping to memorize at least two a week so I may have to add a midweek episode or something. We will memorize it "Primary style". That is to say it will be posted on the fridge on Monday and each day we'll delete parts of it until we can say it all without prompts. We will also throw in some MTC style learning as we write it on a 3x5 card, only the first letters of each word, to carry with us and refer to often. And for added excitement we will review it aloud in Spanish until it can roll off the tongue.

It sounds like a good plan. But that's only part one. Part two is getting the Girl Child to buy in. (note: The entire paragraph above was written using the Royal We.)

Current Passage: My purpose  as a missionary: Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. - Preach My Gospel ch1

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WMD -In the beginning

In the beginning there was a wedding. And the wedding was good and the photos thereof were brought unto the Mom. And the Mom said: Let us go down and make an album for the wedding that it may not be forgotten by future generations. Thus went the Mom to the scrapbook store and obtained many supplies to make the album. But it came to pass that the Mom was displeased with the colors in those supplies. For indeed the wedding clothes were pink and the papers were blue as the heavens. Therefore those supplies were cast aside to be used in another, equally worthy project on another day. Therefore it came to pass that the Mom went back to the scrapbook store to obtain new supplies and the new supplies held much pink like unto the photos and brought much joy to the heart of the Mom. And the Mom said: Now I will go down and build a wedding album. And there was rejoicing in the land.

But it came to pass the Mom was not wise and put her trust in Pintrest and not the Scrapbooking Fairy. The Mom wiled away many days searching in vain for the perfect album to scraplift. After many days the photos of the wedding became lonely and remained apart from the album for the album had not come to pass. And the Mom heard a still, small voice, even the voice of the photos as from under the dust. And the voice said: Oh thou wicked and unproductive Mom. Why sit ye gazing into the computer screen?Wilt thou put thy trust in Pintrest rather than follow thine own workings? Hast not the Scrapbook Fairy been thy companion and repaired the flaws in thy scrapbooking many times in the past? And thus the Mom repented of her vain searching and said unto the photos: if it be possible, remove mine insecurity from my mind. Thou photos are acceptable unto me. I have been blessed with lovely supplies that will serve well as thy companion. I will set aside my vain longings to scrapbook in a style that is of the world and I will bring forth a wedding album by my own hand and in the style which I have heretofore used. And it was good and there was rejoicing in the land.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mojo booster

 Need a card makin' Mojo Boost?
Here is a database of a bunch of card sketches.
As for me... I gotta quit gawkin' and start buildin'.
I've got a wedding album to build and a card box to fill.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Clearance is a scrappers best friend.

With the advent of a new family comes the opportunity to build an album. I stopped at JoAnn's on the way home from the ceremony and grabbed what I'd need. OK, so I grabbed what I'd need for seven albums. I couldn't help was on clearance. I got all this for $35!

2 -8x8 albums (at $4 each I should have gotten more)
2 - pads of double sided paper - $3 each
1 - pad of coordinating glitter punch outs  - $3
10 - packs of coordinating embellishments  -less than $1 each
 1 - roll of glue dots (not on sale, but I was OUT)
2 - rolls of ribbon (which were not on sale - lame)
and a partridge in a pear tree, which will be served for dinner.

Admittedly, Other paper sets would have gone better with the brides outfit. (It's all about the bride!) But nothing in the right colors grabbed my fancy. So...if you can't find paper you love, love the one you find on the cheap.  ;-)

Mr & Mrs DS3

Congratulations to Landon and Jessica who became Mr & Mrs DS3 today.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hello - One Sheet Wonder

One Sheet Wonder. The principle is simple enough: slice up a single sheet of patterned paper into various sizes and make a stack of unique cards, each with only one or two bits of the PP. Many OSWs  leave no waste of the PP, most leave just tiny bits. It's a great way to create a set of cards that are matchy but not samey. This OSW uses an 8x8 sheet. The cutting guide and samples can be found at Joyfully Made Designs.

Now the down side...

While the OSW is an economical use of patterned paper, it requires matting and embellishing with coordinating paper. That is to say, the entire sheet of Patterned paper may be used to its most economical advantage but you'll need to chop up several additional sheets of coordinating cardstock which will not  be used to advantage. I keep a box of large scraps for just this purpose but the deception of the name, One Sheet Wonder, still bothers me.

Several bloggers have found their own very useful solutions to this problem. Sandy at OWH cuts her full sized sheets down to card sized bits so she only ever handles papers 4.25x5.5 inches.  After she makes the card, she tosses the trimmings, no messy leftovers. I'm always afraid I'll want an additional 1/4 inch stripe and have to cut a whole paper to get it. Connie at Simply Simple Stampin' has a series called Flash Cards. The premise is you cut your papers into basic sized swatches and use only those 3 bits for your cards. I was skeptical. Being an inside the box thinker, I was sure you could only make two cards with the sizes she gives. She has created an entire series of terrific (ie: reproducible) cards using 3 little bits of paper each. Pretty. Darn. Amazing. Her videos are on YouTube as well as her blog. Seriously, check it out. She is a fabulous designer and a great teacher. LeeAnn at Flowerbug's Inkspot has created something more like what I'm interested in. She calls it a Four Sheet Wonder. Her pattern includes instructions to cut the patterned paper as well as the mats and embellishments for 9 cards using 4 sheets of paper. Plus, the patterns are printable onto your cardstock. That means no measuring, just print and cut on the dotted lines. Pretty cool, but there is a charge for the pattern and unfortunately my budget only allows for FREE.

So what to do? I'm just going to have to invent my own solution to the One Sheet Conundrum. I don't know how this is going to go down but it will be awesome.I'll keep you posted on the progress.

WMD - A Thousand Words

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Card Ship Date

Soooo... The All Things Spring OWH box did not go in the mail as scheduled. My Bad!

The new target date is Jan 31. The great news is that Valentines Day will come again next year. So if you have Valentines Cards to include in the box feel free to bring them over. They'll keep. The new deadline will include St. Patty's, Easter, General Spring, Graduation, Mother's/Father's Day, and as always anything generic like Love, Miss you, Thinking of you, Thanks you, and Birthday.

I'll even take Summer/Fall cards to include in the box scheduled to ship in May.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

WMD - Unplugged

After a thorough search of my desk and the surrounding premises I am forced to conclude that the cord that connects my camera to the computer is lost. Therefore all photos are suspended until such time as it either resurfaces or is replaced. What fun is a crafting blog without photos?!? Grumble Grumble Grumble.

My Grandma used a lovely farming colloquialism referring to a compost pile: "Things resurface when the pile turns over." Since my scrap room is a pile more the size of a landfill, I may just want to order one on ebay.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

...And a Happy New Year

The Christmas tree is down and my weight is up. That signals the end of the holiday season for me and HOPEFULLY the return to the season of normal. At this time of year I'm grateful not to celebrate Epiphany. I could not handle an additional 12 days of Christmas.

Because the Girl Child was born on Thanksgiving Day it adds an additional degree of festivity for us. She turned 19 this year, just after the announcement that young sisters can apply for missionary service at that age. So we've had the added flurry of mission paperwork and all that comes with that. She received her mission call on Dec 19.  She will report to the Missionary Training Center (the MTC that isn't crafting software) on Feb 27, 2013 where she will  have 6 weeks to learn Spanish then she will serve in the Fresno California Mission. It's an exciting time for us. My next 8 weeks will include gathering everything she'll need for the next 18 months and packing it into one suitcase that she can lift by herself. Wish me luck.

In addition, DS3 has officially announced his engagement and moved into a lovely apartment. He plans to marry before the Girl Child leaves. So far I've not been made privy to any other arrangements. I'm hoping for an elopement.

What was that I said about the Season of Normal?  It may be a myth.