Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aiming for Accuracy - Week Number Last!

Hooray for done!

After four months of weekly tutorials, the top - or "flimsy" as some (including me, because I think it is the perfect descriptor, and because it's my blog I can do what I want) call it- for the Aiming for Accuracy quilt is DONE! Of course, that's the easy part. I still need to make a back for it and decide how I'm going to quilt it. You can find the tutorials for this quilt at Quilters Gallery. I enjoyed it a lot and I feel like I learned a lot. Michelle Foster, designer and teacher, is pretty dang great at the whole quilting/tutorializing (that's a real word cuz I just used it)/and blogging about quilting and tutorializing (now it's been used twice...must be a real word) thing.

(Promise me you won't let my English teaching friends read that last sentence. It'll be our secret.)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

FWQ - October 2013

Yay! Another month's blocks are done. Just that much closer on my Farmer's Wife Quilt. These were assigned for October. Wanna look at the originals?  Here they are at American Quilting.