Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aiming for Accuracy - Week Number Last!

Hooray for done!

After four months of weekly tutorials, the top - or "flimsy" as some (including me, because I think it is the perfect descriptor, and because it's my blog I can do what I want) call it- for the Aiming for Accuracy quilt is DONE! Of course, that's the easy part. I still need to make a back for it and decide how I'm going to quilt it. You can find the tutorials for this quilt at Quilters Gallery. I enjoyed it a lot and I feel like I learned a lot. Michelle Foster, designer and teacher, is pretty dang great at the whole quilting/tutorializing (that's a real word cuz I just used it)/and blogging about quilting and tutorializing (now it's been used twice...must be a real word) thing.

(Promise me you won't let my English teaching friends read that last sentence. It'll be our secret.)

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